Ariella's Existential Dinosaur Lecture

[Delivered in September, 2003, dictated by her father]

Ariella likes tyranosaurus rex. And tyranosaurus rex can bite other dinosaurs. and tyranosaurus rex is the fiercest dinosaur in the world. It can bite other dinosaurs to pieces and can do other things to dinosaurs like bite other animals. But velocioraptors can open doors and they are very fierce. But it doesn't matter because they are still going to be what they are. But dinosaurs were here very long ago.

Tyranosaurus rexes bite other dinosaurs but velocoraptors can do things that they can't do. But they still want to be what they are and they don't want to do anything else because they don't like to do anything else. But only a three horned head can stab other dinosaurs with the horns on their head. But nothing else of that dinosaur because...

Tyranosaurus rexes can't bite hairy things. But still, a tyranosaurus rex or a long neck can eat like, they can eat people if they are carnivores. But whatever they do they are what they are and they do what they do.

Tyranosaurus rexes can do lots of things but they can't do that much stuff. It doesn't matter. Even in Jurassic Park there still were dinosaurs that were fiercest at whatever they do and they are still what they are. A diplodocus can eat leaves and is not a carnivore. Just like my cousin Mia who loves dinosaurs. She has lots of dinosaur toys.

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